Welcome to the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks


Members of the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks create lifelong friendships, gain access to networking opportunities across the state, receive up-to-date information through our Listserv, and many other benefits! Every North Carolina municipal, deputy, and/or assistant clerk is eligible for active NCAMC membership, and we would love to have you as a part of our ever-expanding family.

Annual dues are $90 for municipal clerks and deputy/assistant clerks, $25 for retired clerks, and $90 for all others. Dues are assessed on a fiscal year basis, from July 1st through June 30th of the following year. Additional information is set forth in the Membership Pamphlet.

Complete the Membership Application (below) today and immediately reap the benefits provided by NCAMC!


If you are a successor to a member who has become disassociated with the municipality, please complete the Membership Change Form to notify the association.


Complete the Online Application and Pay Online


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