Welcome to the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks
NCAMC Board of Directors
OFFICERS 2024 - 2025
Sabrena Reinhardt, MMC, Town of Leland - President
Linda Christopher, CMC, NCCMC, Village of Whispering Pines -1st Vice-President
Brenda Blanco, MMC, NCCMC, City of New Bern - 2nd Vice-President
Venus Durant, CMC, NCCMC, Fayetteville Public Works Commission - Recording Secretary
Sarah Radcliff, CMC, NCCMC - Immediate Past President
At Large Members
Betsy Shores, CMC, NCCMC, Town of DavidsonDISTRICT DIRECTORS 2024 - 2025
Region 1
District 1 – Jamie Whitley, CMC, NCCMC, Manteo
District 2 – Rose Marshburn, CMC, NCCMC, Jacksonville
District 3 – Jackie Nicholson, MMC, NCCMC, Wallace
Region 2
District 4 – Valeria Shiuwegar, CMC, Greenville
District 5 – Pamela Perry, CMC, NCCMC, Louisburg
District 6 – Stella Gibson, CMC, NCCMC, Garner
Region 3
District 7 - Jennifer Ayre, Fayetteville
District 8 – Betsy Shores, CMC, NCCMC, Davidson
District 9 – Angie Lord, CMC, NCCMC, City of Greensboro
Region 4
District 10 - Hillary Gropp, CMC, NCCMC, Seven Devils
District 11 – Stephanie Watson, CMC, NCCMC, Conover
District 12 –Jill Murray, CMC, NCCMC, Hendersonville
Job Descriptions
Green Legacy Committee
To implement the planting of a location appropriate tree in the city of the previous year's Clerk of the Year recipient hon her municipality, her community and the NCAMC.
The Leaving A Green Legacy Committee is comprised of six members - two from the Western part of the State, two from the Eastern part of the State, and two from the Central part of the State. (Advisor is Second Vice President)
RESPONSIBILITY ted regarding the planning and implications of the guidelines.
1. The Committee will solicit tree donations from nurseries, landscapers, arbor and beautification associations as needed.
2. The Committee will develop wording for the commemorative plaque and implement the purchase and installation of the same.
3. The Committee working with appropriate Staff and officials in the designated municipality to purchase and plant an appropriate tree with the commemorative plaque honoring the Clerk of the Year recipient in the location of their choosing.
The President shall be the chief executive officer and chairperson of the governing body and the Executive Committee.
The President shall have been an active member of the Association for at least five years and shall have served at least one full term on the Board of Directors. It is desirable but not required that the President have achieved CMC designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.
Oversee and direct the programs and activities of the Association and serve as an ex-officio member of each committee.
Preside at all general meetings, board meetings, and executive committee meetings.
Set the time and place, create an agenda, and issue notification of all regular or special board meetings or general meetings.
Appoint all committees and designate chairpersons.
Issue general instructions to committees.
Act as chairperson of the Executive Committee.
Act as chairperson of the committee to select recipients for the IIMC Certification Schools scholarship and the college scholarship sponsored by the Association.
Execute contracts on behalf of the Association.
Keep the First Vice President informed of all activities in order to ensure a smooth transition.
Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the governing body.
Summarize year's events for Annual Report and providepictureto the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.PURPOSE
The President shall be the chief executive officer and chairperson of the governing body and the Executive Committee.
The President shall have been an active member of the Association for at least five years and shall have served at least one full term on the Board of Directors. It is desirable but not required that the President have achieved CMC designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.
Oversee and direct the programs and activities of the Association and serve as an ex-officio member of each committee.
Preside at all general meetings, board meetings, and executive committee meetings.
Set the time and place, create an agenda, and issue notification of all regular or special board meetings or general meetings.
Appoint all committees and designate chairpersons.
Issue general instructions to committees.
Act as chairperson of the Executive Committee.
Act as chairperson of the committee to select recipients for the IIMC Certification Schools scholarship and the college scholarship sponsored by the Association.
Execute contracts on behalf of the Association.
Keep the First Vice President informed of all activities in order to ensure a smooth transition.
Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the governing body.
Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
First Vice President
The First Vice President shall act in the capacity of and perform the duties of the President in the event the President is unable to perform or is absent from a meeting and shall be the Presidential nominee at the next election.
The First Vice President shall have been an active member of the Association for at least five years and shall have served at least one full term on the Board of Directors. It is desirable but not required that the First Vice President have achieved CMC designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.
Keep abreast of and involved in the programs and activities of the Association.
Serve on the committee to select scholarship recipients for the IIMC Certification School.
Serve as advisor and oversee the activities of the Finance Committee and the Program and Education Committee, as provided by the Constitution.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Prepare committee assignments for announcement upon installation as President.
Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
Second Vice President
The Second Vice President shall act in the capacity of and perform the duties of the President in the event neither the President nor the First Vice President is able or available to perform them. The Second Vice President shall be the nominee for First Vice President at the next election.
The Second Vice President shall have been an active member of the Association for at least five years and shall have served at least one full term on the Board of Directors. It is desirable but not required that the Second Vice President have achieved CMC designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.
Keep abreast of and involved in the programs and activities of the Association.
Act as advisor and oversee the activities of all standing committees other than the Finance and Program and Education Committees, as provided by the Constitution.
Serve on the committee to select scholarship recipients for the IIMC Certification School.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
Recording Secretary
To keep a full and accurate record of all proceedings of meetings of the Association and the governing body.
The Recording Secretary shall have been an active member of the Association for at least five years and shall have served at least one full term on the Board of Directors. It is desirable but not required that the Recording Secretary have achieved CMC designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.
Attend all meetings of the Association and the governing body and take minutes of each meeting.
Maintain a book to record all proceedings of each such meeting.
Make copies of the minutes of each meeting and distribute copies to all members of the governing body. Send copy of minutes to the Newsletter Coordinator.
At the end of each term, provide the Secretary-Treasurer with copies of all official minutes and attachments so they can be submitted to Municipal Code Corporation for indexing.
Update the Association history at the end of each term with an all-inclusive written history for the year, including officers, committee chairs, meetings, events and accomplishments.
Assist in the performance of the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer when required.
Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
Corresponding Secretary/Treasurer
The Constitution provides that the Secretary/Treasurer position shall be filled by the staff member of the North Carolina League of Municipalities assigned to the Association as staff liaison.
To house all official records of the Association, coordinate all services provided to the Association by the North Carolina League of Municipalities, and administer and account for all financial affairs of the Association, in accordance with the terms of an agreement entered into annually between the Association and the League.
Attend as many meetings of the Association and the governing body as possible.
Present a current financial statement at each quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors and at the business meetings at the Clerks’ School and Annual Conference.
Collect, deposit, invest, and disburse all Association funds and maintain complete and accurate records of all financial transactions for the Association. Execute contracts on behalf of the Association, as delegated.
Maintain an accurate, up-to-date membership listing, assist the Membership Committee in soliciting and enrolling new members, and issue annual membership renewal statements.
Coordinate all Association mailings handled by the League, including printing and mailing of the monthly newsletter, conference mailings and other mailings as directed by the President.
Serve as conference coordinator for the Annual Conference. With the assistance of the host clerk/on-site coordinator, work with the hotel facility on meeting, housing, and meal arrangements as instructed by the Program and Education Committee. Handle advance registration, meal tickets, badges, program preparation, and other details connected with the conference as required.
Serve as an ex-officio member of the Program and Education Committee, the Finance Committee, the Conference Site Selection Committee and such other committees as appointed by the President.
Maintain all official records of the Association at League Headquarters in the Albert Coates Local Government Center.
At the end of each calendar year, submit all official minutes and attachments to Municipal Code Corporation for indexing.
Purchase plaques for the outgoing president and any honorary members, to be presented at the annual conference.
Perform such other duties as requested by the board and as delineated in the affiliate service contract.
Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
To govern, along with the officers, the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks.
Members of the Board of Directors shall have been active members of the Association for at least three years. It is desirable but not required that they have achieved CMC designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.
Attend all board meetings and other meetings sponsored by the Association. It is an honor to have been chosen a director by your peers. Make yourself available to serve. When given a duty, do it promptly and professionally.
One director from each of the twelve districts as outlined by the N.C. League of Municipalities. As provided by the Constitution, the Immediate Past President shall also serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors; all other past presidents shall be non-voting, ex-officio members.
Promote membership through district membership representative and general membership chairperson.
Assist regional chairperson in coordinating regional schools.
Contact all clerks within district and inform them of the Association's functions and urge them to attend. Joint travel is recommended, if feasible.
Promote general goodwill among clerks within district. Suggested ways of doing this may include but are not limited to establishing county or district meetings, and making a special effort to talk to clerks from your district at Association functions. Publicize clerk-related events within district.
Keep officers and board informed on clerk-related news such as new appointments, retirees, etc. Keep Newsletter Coordinator informed on clerks' news within your district. You may want to appoint a clerk from each county to keep you informed.
Perform all other duties as assigned by the President.
Clerk of the Year Committee
The purpose of the Clerk of the Year award is to honor a municipal clerk who has demonstrated extraordinary individual job performance, commitment to professional development, and to community involvement, positive on-the-job attitude, and who has brought innovative ideas to their cities and towns.
Effective with the 2013 Clerk of the Year, John Phelps, the NCLM’s representative to the NCAMC serving as a non-voting ex-officio, will sit with five anonymous members (one appointed from each of the four regions and one officer to serve as chair) who are appointed each year by the NCAMC president. This group will meet to select the clerk of the year. The members of the group will remain anonymous. Clerks serving on this committee do so with the understanding of confidentiality.
- The objective of the process is to keep the nominations confidential and the selection does not come to the NCAMC Board of Directors for approval or for their information.
- Award selection criteria are similar to the Florida clerks’ association. Candidates are ranked 1-5 (1 the lowest and 5 the highest) and weighed by percentages based on leadership, active participation in municipal, state, and national associations; innovation sharing with the Association; demonstrates commitment to professional development; demonstrates commitment to community involvement; extraordinary individual job performance; and positive on-the-job attitude.
- The committee may decide there are no outstanding nominations, and in that situation no award will be given that year.
- The committee may decide there is a tie, and in that situation there is a maximum of two winners per year.
- The decision of the selection panel is final.
- The NCAMC will utilize all the various communications methods to announce nominations, including the newsletter, the Web site, at meetings, (including the Annual Summer Academy), on the listserve, etc. Award details will be explained at the 2010 Annual Summer Academy, and nomination forms will be available at that time.
- Nominations can come from clerks, municipal staff (including managers), elected officials, etc.
- Eligibility for nomination: Nominees must be active members of the NCAMC for at least four years. With the exception of clerks currently serving as an officer of the NCAMC (Recording Secretary, Second Vice-President, First Vice President, President, and Immediate Past President), all clerks – including past presidents - are eligible for consideration.
- Nominations will be sent to the NCLM representative to the NCAMC (currently John Phelps).
- The clerk of the year award will be presented at the NCAMC Annual Summer Academy beginning in 2011; the winner will be given a plaque with the NCAMC round seal.
- There was discussion about announcing clerks who had been nominated. At its June 8, 2012 meeting, it was the decision of the Board of Directors that only the winner(s) would be announced at the Annual Banquet and the decision to announce nominees could be reviewed at a later date.
- The anonymous committee will work confidentially with the mayor or appropriate staff person to ensure the winning clerk is at the Annual Summer Academy. The clerk’s board members will also be invited to attend the Annual Summer Academy at their own expense.
- There will not be any complimentary tickets given with the exception of financial hardship. The NCAMC Secretary/Treasurer and the NCAMC President will work with the staff representatives of the municipal Clerk of the Year to try to accommodate tickets to the banquet.
- NCAMC members may only receive this award once.
- The Chairperson, prior to the expiration of his or her term, shall review the portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.
Criteria adopted June 11, 2010; Criteria amended June 08, 2012
Executive Committee
To govern on behalf of the Board of Directors on matters requiring immediate attention when it is not feasible or possible to hold a meeting of the entire governing body.
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, the Recording Secretary, and two members of the Board of Directors elected by the full Board.
Attend all meetings of the Executive Committee.
Service on the Executive Committee is very important. This committee can be called upon by the President to meet on short notice and on an irregular basis. Please make yourself available when called upon by the President.
Any action taken by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the full Board within 48 hours of the action, and shall be presented to the full Board at its next meeting for ratification or recission.
Finance Committee
To prepare a balanced operating budget for the Association, arrange for an annual audit, establish a policy for expenditures, and assist the Secretary/Treasurer in administering and accounting for all financial affairs of the Association.
One member of the Board of Directors, two members of the Association at large, and the Secretary/Treasurer.
- Prepare a balanced operating budget of estimated revenues and expenditures for the Association, to be presented to the Board of Directors for their consideration at the board meeting most closely preceding July 1. The budget shall be adopted by the Board of Directors by July 1, in order to fit in with the financial management arrangement with the N.C. League of Municipalities.
- Conduct an audit of the Association's financial records within three months of the close of the fiscal year. Upon completion of the audit, notify the NCLM’s finance officer of the results of the audit.
- The Secretary/Treasurer shall present quarterly reports of financial activity to the Board of Directors. A year-end report of financial activity in the preceding fiscal year will be presented at the January business meeting. The chairperson or another member of the Finance Committee shall make the report in the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer.
- Prepare or arrange for the preparation of the Association's annual tax return (IRS Form 990--Tax Return for Organizations Exempt from Income Tax or 990EZ as appropriate), to be completed and filed with the IRS by November 15. (Note that the service agreement with the League excludes tax returns from the provided services.)
- The Chairperson, prior to the expiration of his or her term, shall review this portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.
Legislative Committee
To monitor state and federal legislation affecting the municipal clerk and to propose legislation and/or coordinate efforts for or against such legislation consistent with the Legislative Goals and Policies of the N.C. League of Municipalities and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.
To study and become familiar with all legislation which affects or has the potential of affecting the municipal clerk whether it be to add duties or to change legal requirements within the jurisdiction of the clerk's office.
N.C. League Board Member (chairperson), IIMC Board Member (if applicable), and other members as appointed by the President.
- Contact IIMC and ask to be put on the mailing list for federal legislation affecting clerks.
- Monitor N.C. League of Municipalities and Institute of Government publications relative to state legislation in progress.
- Be aware of legislative goals and policies of the N.C. League of Municipalities.
- Survey Association members for input as to legislative action which would benefit the municipal clerk. Any legislation proposed by the Association would be submitted to the N.C. League of Municipalities for proper channeling through the policy committee process.
- Support and encourage response to action calls by the N.C. League of Municipalities.
- Make regular reports to Association membership through the newsletter, correspondence, and at meetings.
- Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
- The Chairperson, prior to the expiration of his or her term, shall review this portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.
Membership Committee
Expand and maintain the membership of the Association and encourage IIMC membership.
Contact and attempt to enroll every municipal clerk in the state as an active member of the Association and strive to obtain the membership goal set by the President each year.
The membership committee is composed of fourteen members, including a chairperson appointed from the membership at large, the IIMC state membership chairperson, and twelve district representatives.
- Contact the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association at the N.C. League of Municipalities for an up-to-date list of all municipal clerks. A list shall be provided to each director with member designation.
- Each district committee member shall contact each non-member clerk within his or her district and issue a personal invitation to join the Association.
- At regional schools and conferences, set up a table to accept dues and encourage membership.
- In February, mail a reminder to all clerks when new municipal budgets are in preparation. All clerks should be encouraged to submit a request for the municipality to pay membership in the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks and IIMC for the upcoming fiscal year.
- At the January Clerks’ School and the Annual Conference, make routine reports as requested by the resident.
- Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1st
- The Chairperson, prior to the expiration of his or her term, shall review this portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.
N.C. League of Municipalities Board Member
To represent the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks on the North Carolina League of Municipalities’ Board of Directors.
An active member of the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks for at least five years, who has served a full term on the Association Board of Directors. Member is nominated by the Association and elected by the N.C. League of Municipalities at its annual business meeting. The term of office is for two years, not to exceed two terms.
The NCAMC Board of Directors must nominate and submit the names of two (2) qualified candidates to the North Carolina League of Municipalities’ Nominating Committee for consideration. One of the candidates shall be elected during the business session of the League’s Annual Conference. (The League Constitution requires the Association to nominate a slate of two individuals. One may be designated as an alternate nominee. Since the League Constitution prohibits more than one member of the Board from the same municipality, the alternate nominee can be chosen in the event that the primary nominee is from the same municipality as another individual nominated to the Board.)
- To serve as a conduit of information from the municipal clerks to the Board of Directors of the North Carolina League of Municipalities. This member shall also carry out the responsibility of Legislative Committee chairperson.
- Become familiar with the constitution and bylaws of the N.C. League of Municipalities.
- Attend orientation for new board members.
- Attend all League Board of Directors meetings.
- Request input from N.C. Association of Municipal Clerks' Board of Directors on issues that are to be presented to the League relative to functions of the clerk's office.
- Keep Association President informed of actions that concern all clerks that are considered or acted upon by the League.
- Request NCAMC Board to adopt resolution endorsing and supporting the issues proposed.
- Provide pertinent information to all clerks through written reports in the monthly newsletter, Minute by Minute.
- Provide a report to the President and the Board of Directors on a regular basis.
- Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
- The Board Member, prior to the expiration of his or her term, shall review this portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming president with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.
N.C. League of Municipalities Committee Members
To represent the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks in the North Carolina League of Municipalities’ policy development process.
The Bylaws of the N.C. League of Municipalities provide for representation of affiliate organizations on the League’s legislative action committees. Each legislative action committee is made up of 46 elected and appointed officials, including at least two members from each of the League’s districts, as well as at-large representatives, representatives from the League Board of Directors, and the Joint Regional Forum. Four seats on each committee are reserved for representatives of League affiliate organizations. Affiliate representatives serve one year terms and may serve no more than four years on any committee.
Each legislative action committee has a corresponding technical advisory committee. The technical advisory committees are composed solely of appointed officials and municipal staff. Each has approximately 30 members, including representatives of affiliate organizations. The technical advisory committees are not subject to term limits.
The purpose of the committees is to formulate the League’s official stance on legislative and regulatory issues and provide input on lobbying strategies on a variety of topics affecting municipalities. The technical advisory committee studies issues in a particular subject area and provides recommendations to the legislative action committee. In turn, the legislative action committee makes recommendations to the League’s Board of Directors. Ultimately, the recommended core principles and advocacy agenda are presented to the League membership at its annual conference.
The four committees and their major subject areas are:
Finance and Administration Legislative Action Committee (FA-LAC)
Finance and Administration Technical Advisory Committee (FA-TAC)
revenues, taxation, finance, personnel, retirement, elections, electric deregulation, open meetings, public records, municipal liability, ethics, mandates, technology, economic development incentives, eminent domain, general government
Planning and Services Legislative Action Committee (PS-LAC)
Planning and Services Technical Advisory Committee (PS-TAC)
environmental issues (including air, water, wastewater, solid waste, stormwater), utilities, land use planning and zoning, housing, public safety, emergency management, transportation, ordinance enforcement, building codes
Crossover Issues may fall under either committee and will be assigned on case by case basis. These include annexation, incorporation, infrastructure funding, transportation funding, economic development and telecommunications.
Committee recommendations take several forms. The “core principles” are the broad, bedrock concepts for which the League and its membership stand. The “advocacy agenda” identifies the issues that the membership has determined are of the highest priority for a particular two-year legislative cycle. The League focuses its time and resources on actively seeking the items in the advocacy agenda and on protecting the membership from legislation that violates the core principles. “Endorsements” are generally at a member city’s request, and are statements of approval of proposals that are not included in the advocacy agenda. League staff will assist with the legislation as time and resources allow, but the member city must take the lead on obtaining a sponsor and getting a bill introduced. “Position statements” are statements of the League’s stance on legislation or regulations that have been introduced but are not clearly covered by the core principles and are not part of the advocacy agenda.
The NCAMC Board of Directors must submit the names of interested individuals to the President of the North Carolina League of Municipalities by November 1 of each year. It is recommended that nominees be submitted for all four committees if there are a sufficient number of clerks who wish to serve.
- Serve as a conduit of information from the municipal clerks to the League’s policy committees and assist in the formulation of legislative policy for the League of Municipalities.
- Become familiar with the constitution and bylaws of the N.C. League of Municipalities and the policy development process.
- Attend meetings of the policy committee.
- Keep Association President informed of actions that concern all clerks that are considered or acted upon by the policy committees.
- As appropriate, request NCAMC Board to adopt resolution endorsing and supporting the issues proposed.
- Provide pertinent information to all clerks through written reports in the monthly newsletter, Minute by Minute.
- Provide a report to the President and the Board of Directors on a regular basis.
- Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
Nominating Committee
To nominate a slate of officers and directors from the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks membership for election during the Annual Conference.
To seek the most qualified active Association members for nomination.
Three past presidents and three active members at large, one of whom shall be a current member of the Board of Directors. The Immediate Past President serves as chairperson.
- Chairperson shall obtain a list of offices to be filled for the N.C. Association of Municipal Clerks from the Recording Secretary.
- Chairperson shall obtain latest membership list from the N.C. League of Municipalities Office.
- Chairperson shall provide committee members with a copy of offices to be filled and the membership list.
- Chairperson shall review the by-laws of the Association to ascertain qualifications and eligibility for offices to be filled.
- Chairperson should coordinate with President and Newsletter Coordinator as to publication of notices in the newsletter requesting members to indicate their interest in serving on the board of directors.
- Chairperson shall schedule a meeting and ask committee members to prepare in advance of the meeting a list of proposed candidates for consideration by the full committee. This should be based on eligibility, experience, participation, demonstrated leadership, interest in serving and other criteria to promote the Association.
- During the scheduled meeting, the full committee should discuss all candidates proposed and select at least two choices for each position in the event one cannot serve. When the slate is tentatively agreed upon by the committee, the Chairperson contacts the candidates for confirmation and advises the committee of the findings. In the event additional candidates are needed, the committee may suggest others to the Chairperson and, upon making contact, the committee will be advised when the proposed slate is confirmed.
- Work of the Nominating Committee should be completed by May 31.
- Chairperson shall submit a proposed slate of nominations to the President as soon as possible. The President shall report the slate to the Board of Directors for its information at the final board meeting prior to the annual conference.
- Chairperson shall prepare a report from the Nominating Committee and present it at the Annual Conference business meeting. Copies should be provided for distribution to the membership present.
- Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
- The Chairperson, prior to the expiration of his or her term, shall review this portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.
Program and Education Committee
The NCAMC Program and Education Committee (Committee) works in partnership with The UNC-Chapel Hill School of Government (SOG), the NC League of Municipalities (NCLM) and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) to implement high quality educational programs to help municipal clerks carry out their duties in an efficient and professional manner.
The IIMC is a professional, non-profit association that promotes continuing education and certification through university and college-based institutes and provides networking solutions, services and benefits to its members worldwide. The IIMC is the official provider of the IIMC certification program (Certified Municipal Clerk [CMC] and Master Municipal Clerk [MMC]).
The NCAMC is a non-profit, professional organization comprised of city, town, and village clerks from the entire state. The NCAMC is committed to the continuing education and ongoing professional development of municipal clerks. The NCAMC partners with the SOG and is the official provider of the state’s certified municipal clerk program.
The NCAMC Program & Education Committee (Committee) is tasked with working with all partners (as defined herein) to develop and implement educational and professional development opportunities for municipal clerks.
The SOG provides educational, advisory, and research services for state and local governments, including municipal clerks.
The Institute Director is director of the NC IIMC Clerks Institute Program. The SOG Dean designates a SOG faculty member to serve in this capacity. The Institute Director also serves as an advisor and affiliate member of the NCAMC. The NCAMC pays the SOG an agreed upon fee to provide the following services to implement educational sessions for the NCAMC: a per-person course fee, course evaluations and other duties pertaining to course administration.
The NCLM is a nonpartisan association of municipalities in North Carolina. The mission of the League is to enhance the quality of life in municipalities through excellent municipal governance. The NCLM Director designates a NCLM staff member to serve as liaison to the NCAMC. Under the NCAMC Constitution, the NCLM liaison serves as the NCAMC Corresponding Secretary/Treasurer. The NCAMC and NCLM have a contractual agreement whereby the NCLM provides services to the NCAMC at an agreed upon fee, which is set with each NCAMC fiscal year budget. Such services include affiliate services, printing/mailing services, membership management services, financial management services, summer academy management services and special projects/services.
The NCLM liaison is a NCLM staff member who is designated by the NCLM’s Executive Director to supervise the provision of NCLM services to the NCAMC. The NCLM liaison also serves on the NCAMC Board of Directors as a non-voting ex-officio member and as the Corresponding Secretary/Treasurer.
The North Carolina Association of County Clerks (NCACC) is a non-profit, professional association comprised of county clerks across the state. The NCACC is dedicated to providing opportunities to exchange ideas and techniques used in the performance of the Clerks duties, obtaining information on the operation of the respective departments in the 100 counties of the state, obtaining knowledge on existing and new federal and state programs and laws affecting county government, staying abreast of new trends implemented in and by county governments in the state and promoting, creating and improving efficiency in the operations and record keeping of the Clerk’s office throughout the state of North Carolina.
There are two categories of educational programs:
(1) SOG-sponsored Academies, also known as Academies: Academies are sponsored by the SOG in cooperation with the NCAMC, NCLM and IIMC. No IIMC pre-approval is required for Academy programs. It is the responsibility of the Institute Director to ensure all Academy programs are in line with IIMC course content requirements (see www.iimc.com for more information about acceptable and unacceptable course content). The Committee partners with the Institute Director and the NCLM liaison to brainstorm potential Academy educational topics and speakers. The IIMC authorizes the Institute Director to approve course content and speakers. The Institute Director submits an annual report to IIMC containing required information about the Academy programs that occurred the prior year. The SOG maintains transcripts of Academy sessions. IIMC awards the maximum amount of IIMC certification points for these programs.
(2) NCAMC-sponsored schools, also known as A-B-C-D-E Schools (Association Business,Communication, Development & Education): A-B-C-D-E Schools are sponsored by the NCAMC in cooperation with the SOG, NCLM and IIMC. The Committee consults with the Institute Director and the NCLM liaison to brainstorm A-B-C-D-E School educational topics and speakers. IIMC pre-approval is required for all A-B-C-D-E Schools. The NCLM, in conjunction with the NCAMC, maintains lists of those individuals attending A-B-C-D-E Schools. IIMC awards less certification points for these Schools as compared to the Academy level programs. However, these schools are important to help clerks attain “experience” points, which are required for certification.
The NCAMC President shall appoint a chair and no fewer than three members to the committee. The NCAMC 1st Vice President shall be the association’s advisor to the committee. The SOG and NCLM liaisons shall be ex-officio members.
- Attend meetings and actively participate to successfully carry out the committee’s duties (as contained herein) in a timely manner.
- Work with the NCLM liaison to recommend and make arrangements for a guest speaker at the Annual Clerks Breakfast held in conjunction with the NCLM Annual Conference.
- Work cooperatively with the Institute Director to help coordinate and implement educational programs and speakers for all Academies.
- Recommend topics and speakers, obtain IIMC pre-approval and implement all A-B-C-D-E Schools.
- Assist NCAMC Regional Chairs and Host Clerks with on site arrangements as needed for Regional Academies and A-B-C-D-E Schools.
- Answer or direct member questions about training opportunities and certification to the appropriate individuals.
- Promote and emphasize the IIMC Certification School provided by the SOG/Institute Director.
- Work with the NCLM liaison to set registration fees for all Academies and A-B-C-D-E Schools (with the exception of the Annual City/County Clerks Academy; the registration for this Academy is handled by the SOG and Institute Director).
- Publicize educational opportunities (i.e., articles in the monthly newsletter, postings on the clerk’s listserve and NCAMC website).
- Chair shall serve on NCAMC Scholarship Committee.
- Chair shall report on Committee activities to the governing board as requested by President and at all regular NCAMC business meetings. If the Chair is unable to attend a board or regular business meeting, then the chair shall provide a written report to the President in advance of the meeting.
- The Chair, prior to the term expiration, shall review this portion of the NCAMC Handbook, and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations to improve the efficiency of the Committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.
- The Chair shall provide a summary of the Committee’s work for the year to the NCAMC Annual Report Coordinator by the requested deadline. This summary will be included in the NCAMC Annual Report.
- Any other duties as requested by the President.
Due to the large volume of work associated with the Committee, as well as the timely manner in which it must be completed, the Committee should meet as a group at least quarterly. These meetings typically last 1.5 hours, and are usually held before the NCAMC quarterly Board of Directors meeting at the NCLM Building in Raleigh. In some cases, it may also be necessary for the committee to meet before, after, or during lunch or free time at scheduled Academies throughout the year when a majority of the members are in attendance (such as the Annual City/County Clerks Academy and the Annual Summer Academy). Teleconferences and email communication may also be useful between the chair and members in between the quarterly meetings.
The Chair shall review the duties and responsibilities of the committee for each of the educational opportunities offered during the year and set committee meeting agenda to plan those sessions well in advance. (Sample agenda are included in this document as a guide.)
The following recommended schedule may serve as a general guide for the Committee’s work, and assumes that recurring educational offerings and Committee meetings are conducted in the same timeframe each year.
- The new Chair reviews these guidelines.
- The new Chair reaches out to the Institute Director and the NCLM liaison to ensure open lines of communication.
- The new Chair schedules a Committee meeting at the Annual Summer Academy to (1) share expectations of Committee with all members, and (2) brainstorm educational topic ideas and potential speakers for the Annual City/County Clerks Academy.
- Chair shall contact the NCLM liaison to schedule meeting space at the League Building for the quarterly committee meetings.
- Chair shall advise members of the quarterly meetings dates, times and locations and provide them a copy of these Committee guidelines.
- Institute Director shall contact the Committee Chair and the Program Chair of the NCACC to schedule a meeting with both groups to plan for the Annual City/County Clerks Academies. This meeting involves both Associations’ Committee chairs, both Presidents, the NCLM liaison, the Institute Director, a representative from the NC Association of County Commissioners who works with the NCACC, and SOG staff.
- Conduct quarterly Committee meeting. (See proposed agenda at end of these guidelines.)
- Member shall draft the MCEF grant proposal, and submit it to the Chair, who will obtain approval from the Committee and President. Once approved, the Chair will provide the grant proposal to the President to send to IIMC prior to the deadline. (See www.iimc.com for additional information.
- Joint City County Clerks Academies occur.
- Conduct quarterly Committee meeting. (See proposed agenda at end of these guidelines.)
- If needed, conduct a Committee meeting at the Annual City and County Clerks Academy to review and finalize programs for the Spring Regional Academies and A-B-C-D-E Regional Schools.
- Obtain pre-approval from IIMC on the topic/speaker(s) for the A-B-C-D-E Regional Schools.
- The SOG staff and Institute Director works cooperatively with the NCAMC and NCACC to finalize registration materials for the January Joint City/County Clerks Academy.
- Spring Regional Academies occur.
- Conduct quarterly Committee meeting. (See proposed agenda at end of these guidelines.)
- Regional A-B-C-D-E Schools occur.
- Conduct quarterly Committee meeting. (See proposed agenda at end of these guidelines.)
- Outgoing Chair meets with incoming Chair to share information and to train the incoming Chair.
- Former Chair submits proposed Committee guideline changes to President for September NCAMC Board of Directors meeting.
Suggested Committee meeting agenda:
Meeting #1: At the August Summer Academy (about 1 hour):
- Introduction of Members
- Committee expectations
- Brainstorm topics for January Joint City/County Clerks Academy
- Share with committee the topic/speaker information for the clerks breakfast at the NCLM Annual Conference
Meeting #2: Quarterly Meeting/September (about 1.5 hours)
- Call to Order
- Summer Academy debrief (what went well; what can be improved and how; it’s helpful for the Chair to get a summary of attendee evaluations in advance of this meeting from the SOG staff)
- Final plans for clerks breakfast at NCLM Annual Conference
- Discuss status of issues for January Joint City/County Clerks Academy
- Designate Member to draft the MCEF grant request by the specified deadline
- Open discussion
- Wrap up
- Adjourn
Meeting #3: Quarterly meeting/December (about 1.5 hours)
- Call to Order
- NCAMC breakfast at NCLM conference debrief (what went well; what can be improved and how)
- Update on MCEF grant request
- Final plans for January Joint City/County Clerks Academies
- Planning for Spring Regional Academies (6 hour session; the same session is typically held in two locations)
- Planning for A-B-C-D-E Regional School (4 hour session; the same session is typically held in two to four locations)
- Open discussion
- Wrap up
- Adjourn
Meeting #4: Meeting at the January Joint City/County Clerks Academy if needed)
Status of plans for Spring Regional Academies (6 hour session) and A-B-C-D-E Regional Schools (4 hour session)
Meeting #5: Quarterly meeting/March (about 1.5 hours)
- Call to Order
- January Joint City/County Clerks Academies debrief (what went well; what can be improved and how; it’s helpful for the Chair to get a summary of attendee evaluations in advance of this meeting from the SOG staff)
- Review/debrief any Spring Regional Academies held to-date
- Reminder about upcoming Spring Regional Academies
- Final plans for A-B-C-D-E Regional Schools
- Brainstorm Summer Academies potential topics and speakers
- Open discussion
- Wrap up
- Adjourn
Meeting #6: Quarterly meeting/June (about 1.5 hours)
- Call to Order
- Spring Regional Academies and A-B-C-D-E Regional Schools debrief (what went well; what can be improved and how; it’s helpful for the Chair to get a summary of attendee evaluations in advance of this meeting from the SOG staff [Academy programs] and NCLM staff [Schools])
- Final plans for Summer Academies
- Brainstorm potential speakers/topics for clerks breakfast at NCLM conference in October
- Open discussion
- Wrap up
- Adjourn
Below are detailed action plans for each Committee main responsibility:
SOG-Sponsored January Joint City/County Clerks Academies I and II
The City/County Clerks Academies I and II are sponsored by the SOG in cooperation with the NCAMC, the NCACC, the NCLM and IIMC, and are typically held in January. Academy I is a one-day program with six instructional hours, not including breaks and lunch. Academy II is conducted the day after Academy I, and is a 1.5-day program. Day 1 of Academy II includes six instructional hours, and Day 2 of Academy II includes about two instructional hours and business meetings for both Associations. Breaks and meals are not included in instructional hours. Attendees may elect to attend both Academy I and Academy II or only one of these Academies. Attendees must successfully complete the entire Academy(ies) to earn certification points. The Institute Director is the final approving authority for all educational sessions and speakers for Academies I and Academy II and shall ensure that all course content meets IIMC criteria (see www.iimc.com for more information about acceptable and unacceptable course content).
- Typically at a special called Committee meeting at the Summer Academy, the Committee brainstorms potential education topics/speakers and communicates this with the Institute Director.
- In the August/September timeframe, the Institute Director shall contact the Committee Chair and the Program Chair of the NCACC to schedule a meeting with both groups to plan for the Annual City/County Clerks Academies. This meeting involves both Associations’ Committee chairs, both Presidents, the NCLM liaison, the Institute Director and SOG staff. This meeting lasts a few hours, and at the conclusion of the meeting, the topics and speakers are agreed upon.
- Chair assists the Institute Director with following up with potential speakers as needed.
- The SOG and Institute Director set the fees for the Academies and communicate the fees to the NCLM liaison.
- If the municipal and county clerks decide to have a hospitality room at the Academies, it is suggested they rotate the responsibility for providing food and beverages. For example, the municipal clerks might provide beverages in the even numbered years, and provide snacks in the odd numbered years. At least one committee member should plan to attend to open, close and assist the county clerk in staffing the hospitality room. If the decision is jointly made by the NCAMC and NCACC to not have a hospitality room, then both associations should work hard to provide activities to allow the two groups to socialize and network.
- The SOG handles working with presenters to obtain course descriptions and biographical information and arranges for classroom set-up, meal functions, registration, mailings, entertainment and post session evaluations. The SOG requests assistance with these duties and other tasks as needed from the NCAMC and NCACC.
- At the Academies, committee members assist SOG as needed with sign in/out to ensure the SOG has an attendance record.
- Special attention should be paid to new clerks at the Joint Clerks Academies I and II. The program for the Academies usually includes a special social gathering to welcome new clerks and special training sessions for them. Committee members should take advantage of this opportunity to meet, greet, and welcome new clerks and offer their assistance with educational questions.
- The Chair shall follow up with speakers after the Academies with a thank you note.
- The SOG shall submit any applicable invoices for payment to the NCLM liaison no later than eight weeks after the Academies.
The following agenda are examples for Academies I and II. The Institute Director sets the actual agenda.
Academy 1:
(IIMC certification point calculation based on six hours of Academy level instruction; attendees must attend and successfully complete entire Academy I to earn IIMC or state certification points.)
7:45-8:45 a.m. |
Registration and Networking Breakfast |
8:45-9 a.m. |
Welcome and Announcements (by the SOG) |
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. |
Program Block (30-minute break scheduled during this block) |
12:30-1:30 p.m. |
Networking Lunch |
1:30-5 p.m. |
Program Block (30-minute break scheduled during this block) |
5 p.m. |
Adjourn |
5:30-6:30 p.m. |
Reception for New Clerks |
In addition to Academy 1, the SOG sponsors a one-day session for new clerks (six hours of instruction time). The Institute Director sets this agenda and determines the points that attendees receive for successfully completing the course. An example of an agenda follows:
Institute and Workshop for New Clerks
7:45-8:30 a.m. |
Registration and Networking Breakfast |
8:30-8:45 a.m. |
Welcome (provided by the Institute Director and both Association Presidents) |
8:45-10 a.m. |
Laws that affect the clerk (provided by the Institute Director) |
10-10:30 a.m. |
Break |
10:30-Noon |
Laws That Affect the Clerk (continued) |
Noon - 1 p.m. |
Networking Lunch |
1-2:30 p.m. |
Ins & Outs of Minutes & Agendas (provided by the Institute Director) |
2:30-3:30 p.m. |
Orientation for New Clerks (provided by Association Presidents, with municipal clerks in one room and county clerks in another) – focus is on Associations) |
3:30-4 p.m. |
Networking Break |
4-4:45 p.m. |
How governing boards do their work (NCLM liaison typically leads session for municipal clerks, and Institute Director typically leads session for county clerks) |
4:45 p.m. |
Adjourn |
5:30-6:30 p.m. |
Reception for new clerks |
Academy II:
(IIMC certification point calculation based on six hours of Academy level instruction on Day 1 of Academy II and typically two hours of instruction on Day 2 of Academy II; attendees must attend and successfully complete the entire Academy II to earn IIMC or state certification points.)
Day 1:
7:45-8:45 a.m. |
Registration and Networking Breakfast |
8:45-9 a.m. |
Welcome and Announcements (by the SOG) |
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. |
Program Block (30-minute break scheduled during this block) |
12:30-1:30 p.m. |
Networking Lunch |
1:30-5 p.m. |
Program Block (30-minute break scheduled during this block) |
5 p.m. |
Adjourn |
Day 2:
7:30-8:15 a.m. |
Registration and Networking Breakfast |
8:15-9:45 a.m. |
NCAMC and NCACC Business Meetings |
9:45-10 a.m. |
Break |
10 a.m.-Noon |
Program Block |
Noon |
Adjourn |
SOG-Sponsored Spring Regional Academies
The Spring Regional Academies are sponsored by the SOG in cooperation with the NCAMC and NCLM. The purpose of the Academies is to provide affordable training opportunities during the year for clerks working towards certifications. To keep these Academies as affordable as possible, they are offered at two different locations on two different dates in the February/March timeframe (typically on Fridays). This eliminates overnight travel for most attendees, and it requires minimal time away from the office. One location is within the combined area of NCAMC Regions 1 and 2, and the other is within the combined area of NCAMC Regions 3 and 4. The host clerks provide the meeting space, room set-up and equipment at no cost. The SOG and NCAMC attempts to utilize speakers affiliated with the SOG, NCLM or other organizations who do not charge a speaking fee.
Committee and SOG Responsibilities for the Spring Regional Academies
- In October, the Chair shall contact the Institute Director and NCLM liaison to learn any dates to avoid for scheduling purposes.
- In November, the Chair shall contact the Regional Chairs for each Region (appointed annually by the President) to request their assistance securing potential locations and host clerks for both offerings of this Academy.
- The Chair shall work with the Institute Director, and based on host clerk volunteers, they will jointly select the two Academy locations. When possible based on host clerk volunteers, travel time should be equalized as much as possible for the farthest portions of the state.
- At the December Committee meeting, the Chair shall report to the Committee the Academy locations based on the recommendation of the Chair and Institute Director and obtain the Committee’s concurrence.
- At the December Committee meeting, the Committee shall brainstorm topic and speaker recommendations. The Institute Director shall ensure that all topics under consideration meet the IIMC course content criteria (see www.iimc.com for more information about acceptable and unacceptable course content). When possible, speakers should be affiliated with the SOG, NCLM or other organization that will not charge a speaker fee in order to meet the goal of providing high quality educational sessions at minimal cost.
- The Institute Director has final approval authority for topics/speakers.
- The Institute Director and Chair finalize details with the speaker(s). All sessions must contain six hours of education, not including breaks and lunch.
- The Chair and the NCLM liaison shall jointly set the registration fee based on speaker fees, per diem charges and estimated food costs.
- The Chair shall provide information to the Host Clerks about the program, room set-up, equipment requirements and total amount of money that may be spent on food and beverages for the day at each session (keeping in mind that the less spent, the more money is generated for the NCAMC).
- The Chair shall forward materials to the NCLM for on-line registration. The Chair shall also obtain signatures of the Institute Director and NCAMC President on a letter inviting members to attend the Spring Regional Academy. This invitation letter will be included on the registration web page. Registration should be available at least six weeks prior to the date of the first Academy.
- The NCAMC President shall invite the NCACC to attend this Academy.
- Committee members assist SOG as needed with attendee sign in/out at the Academy to ensure the SOG has an accurate attendance record.
- The SOG shall submit any applicable invoices for payment to the NCLM liaison no later than eight weeks after the Academy.
Host Clerk Responsibilities
- Forward legible maps and driving directions and hotel information for attendees requiring overnight travel to the Chair for inclusion with registration materials.
- Make lunch and refreshment arrangements, and keep the total cost of all food and beverages for each session within the monetary amount authorized by the Chair and NCLM liaison.
(a) Arrange for catered luncheon, either at the Academy site or at an off-site restaurant convenient to the Academy site; arrange for costs to be billed to the NCAMC or for municipality to pay and be reimbursed by NCAMC; and
(b) Arrange for other light refreshments throughout the day, such as coffee and pastry items in the morning and beverages and a light snack (or the dessert from lunch) in the afternoon. Arrange for costs to be billed to the NCAMC or for the municipality to pay and be reimbursed by the NCAMC after the session.
- Make arrangements for room set-up and equipment needs required by the speaker. The host town supplies the facility and equipment at no charge.
- Secure an official from the host municipality to provide the welcome.
- After the session, send a thank you note or email to the speaker(s).
- Forward a summary of each Academy to the Newsletter Coordinator by the 10th of the month following the meeting date for inclusion in the newsletter.
- Forward and photos with corresponding text descriptions of the photos to the NCAMC Scrapbook Coordinator to be included in the Annual Report.
- Provide the Chair and NCLM liaison receipts for payment or reimbursement to the municipality after the session.
The following agenda is suggested:
(IIMC certification point calculation based on six hours of Academy level instruction; attendees must attend and successfully complete entire Academy to earn IIMC or state certification points.)
8:30-8:45 a.m. |
Registration and Refreshments |
8:45-9:00 a.m. |
Welcome and Announcements (by an official from the host municipality or Board of Directors member or Committee member) |
9:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. |
Program Block (15-minute break scheduled during this block) |
12:15-1:15 p.m. |
Lunch (may be catered at meeting location or at an off-site convenient restaurant) |
1:15-4:30 p.m. |
Program Block (15-minute break scheduled during this block) |
4:30 p.m. |
Closing Remarks and Adjourn (by the NCAMC President, Host Clerk, Board of Directors member or Committee member) |
NCAMC-Sponsored Regional A-B-C-D-E Schools
The purpose of the NCAMC-sponsored Regional A-B-C-D-E Schools is to provide an affordable training opportunity during the year for clerks working towards certifications. To keep these Schools as affordable as possible, the goal is to offer them at between two to four different locations (one location per NCAMC region or one location for combined regions 1 and 2 and another location for combined regions 3 and 4). This eliminates overnight travel for most attendees, and it requires minimal time away from the office. A-B-C-D-E Schools are typically held on Fridays in the April/May timeframe. These schools are offered only if Host Clerks volunteer to host them. In the event there are not adequate volunteers to offer both the Regional Academies and the Regional A-B-C-D-E Schools, then priority is given to the Academies.
Committee Responsibilities
- In October, the Chair shall contact the SOG and NCLM liaison to learn any dates to avoid for scheduling purposes.
- In November, the Chair shall contact the Regional Chairs for each Region (appointed annually by the President) to request their assistance securing potential locations and host clerks for up to four offerings of this A-B-C-D-E School.
- The Chair shall work with the Institute Director, and they will jointly select the A-B-C-D-E School locations. When possible based on host clerk volunteers, travel time should be equalized as much as possible for the farthest portions of the state. When choosing these locations, the Chair and Institute Director will keep in mind the location of the Spring Regional Academies and as best as possible ensure that locations are spread equitably throughout the state.
- At the December meeting, the Chair shall report to the Committee the A-B-C-D-E School locations based on the recommendation of the Chair and the Institute Director and seek the Committee’s concurrence.
- At the December meeting, the Committee shall brainstorm topic and speaker recommendations. The Chair shall ensure that all topics under consideration meet IIMC’s course content criteria (seewww.iimc.com for appropriate and inappropriate course content). When possible, speakers should be affiliated with the SOG, NCLM or other organization that will not charge a speaker fee, in order to meet the goal of keeping the cost to a minimum. The committee should also consider sessions that can be led by clerks and clerk panels.
- The Committee will tentatively approve the topic(s) and speaker(s), including the feedback of the Institute Director and NCLM liaison. The School shall be four hours of instructional time, not including breaks and lunches.
- The Chair shall submit the required information to IIMC and request their pre-approval.
- After IIMC pre-approval is received, the Chair finalizes details with the speaker(s).
- The Chair shall work with the NCLM liaison on any speaker fees, per diem charges and food charges to jointly set the registration fee.
- The Chair shall provide information to the Host Clerks about the program, room set-up, equipment requirements and total amount of money that may be spent on food and beverages for the day at each session (keeping in mind that the less spent, the more money is generated for the NCAMC).
- The Chair shall forward materials to the NCLM for on-line registration. The Chair shall also obtain the signatures of the NCAMC President on a letter inviting members to attend the A-B-C-D-E Regional School. This invitation will be included on the registration web page. Registration should be available at least six weeks prior to the date of the first School.
- The NCAMC President shall invite the NCACC to attend this School.
- Committee members are responsible for maintaining an accurate attendance roster.
- The SOG shall submit any applicable invoices for payment (i.e., speaker per diem) to the NCLM liaison no later than eight weeks after the Academy.
Host Clerks Responsibilities
The host clerk responsibilities for the Regional A-B-C-D-E Schools are the same as for the SOG-sponsored Spring Regional Academies.
Suggested Agenda
(IIMC certification point calculation based on four hours of state association level instruction; attendees must attend and successfully complete entire program to earn IIMC or state certification points.)
9-9:30 a.m. |
Registration and Refreshments |
9:30-9:45 a.m. |
Welcome and Announcements (by an official from the host municipality or Board of Directors member or Committee member) |
9:45a.m.-Noon |
Program Block (15-minute break scheduled during this block) |
Noon-1 p.m. |
Lunch (may be catered at meeting location or at an off-site convenient restaurant) |
1-3:15 p.m. |
Program Block (15-minute break scheduled during this block) |
3:15-3:30 p.m. |
Closing Remarks and Adjourn (by the NCAMC President, Host Clerk, Board of Directors member or Committee member) |
SOG-Sponsored Annual Summer Academies I and II
The Annual Summer Academies I and II are sponsored by the SOG in cooperation with the NCAMC, the NCLM and IIMC, and are usually held in August. Academy I is a one-day program with six instructional hours. Academy II is conducted the day after Academy I, and is a 1.5-day program. Day 1 of Academy II includes six instructional hours, and Day 2 of Academy II includes about two instructional hours. Day 2 also includes a NCAMC business meeting and the Annual Banquet. Breaks, meals, the business meeting and banquet are not included in instructional hours. Attendees may elect to attend both Academy I and Academy II or only one of these Academies. Attendees must successfully complete the entire Academy(ies) to earn certification points. The Institute Director is the final approving authority for all educational sessions and speakers for Academies I and Academy II and shall ensure that all course content meets IIMC criteria (see www.iimc.com for more information about acceptable and unacceptable course content). The NCAMC Site Selection Committee works with the NCLM to identify sites for Board approval. Under a contractual agreement with the NCAMC, the NCLM handles all logistical responsibilities with the hotel for the Summer Academy. The Host Clerk works with the NCLM to handle special events/entertainment.
1. To ensure the necessary work is done in a timely manner by the Committee, in November the Chair should consider appointing subcommittees of the Committee to complete certain tasks. This ensures all members are sharing in the workload.
2. In September, the Chair shall invite the Summer Academy host clerk to attend the December, March and June Committee meetings to be part of the planning process for the Summer Academy.
3. In December, the Committee shall work with the SOG and NCLM and brainstorm potential topics and speakers for the educational sessions for the Summer Academies. The Institute Director shall ensure that all courses under consideration meet the IIMC course criteria (see www.iimc.com for acceptable and unacceptable course content).
4. The Institute Director is the final approval authority for the Academies and speakers. No additional IIMC approval is required for the Academies.
5. The Institute Director, with assistance as needed from the Committee, works with Academy speakers to finalize the Academies.
6. The Chair shall work with the NCLM staff and liaison to set the exhibitor registration/sponsorship fees.
7. The Chair shall work with the NCLM staff and liaison to create an exhibitor registration web page. This web page should be live in the May/June timeframe.
8. In the May/June timeframe, the Chair (or the Chair’s designee from the Committee) shall be responsible for inviting exhibitors to participate in the Academy.
9. Taking into consideration all potential costs and revenues, the Chair and NCLM liaison shall jointly set the Academies I and II registration fees.
10. The Chair shall provide the NCLM the information they need for attendee registration, which should be available by mid June. This information shall include a signed invitation letter from the Institute Director and the President that will be placed on the registration web page.
11. Once registration is available, the President shall invite IIMC representatives and other dignitaries.
12. The Chair shall obtain biographical information for the introduction of speakers for the programs and secure committee members to convene the sessions.
13. The Chair shall provide the biographical information and course descriptions to the Institute Director for the annual report to IIMC.
14. The Chair shall ensure that all conference speakers complete the necessary spec sheets (provided by NCLM staff) for the particular session. The Chair shall complete spec sheets for the business meeting and Banquet. All spec sheets must be returned to NCLM staff to meet their deadlines.
15. Based on the spec sheets received, the NCLM shall work with the host hotel site to ensure adequate room set-up and equipment for each session.
16. The Chair shall work closely with the Board to arrange seating for the head table at the Banquet and other functions that may take place during the Academies.
17. The Institute Director works cooperatively with the Chair to develop the content for the program.
18. The NCLM liaison is responsible for printing the program.
19. The presiding President is responsible for printing the Banquet Program, and the Committee may assist if requested.
20. The Committee shall work with the incoming President and Host Clerk on decorations for the Banquet. The incoming President selects the colors, and all parties work together to develop a decoration plan within budget (this budget is determined by the NCLM liaision). The Committee shall be responsible for decorating the room prior to the banquet.
21. The incoming President works with the NCLM staff and Host Clerk to decide on Banquet entertainment. The Committee assists if requested.
22. The NCLM liaison shall purchase an appreciation plaque for the outgoing NCAMC President to be presented by the incoming President at the Banquet.
23. If any Honorary Memberships are to be awarded, the NCAMC Corresponding Secretary/Treasurer shall purchase the appropriate plaques.
24. If a college scholarship is to be awarded during at the banquet, the NCLM liaison is responsible for mailing the check to the recipients. Scholarship recipients are inviting to attend the Banquet and are recognized at that time.
25. The Chair is responsible for purchasing a gift suitable to the outgoing President as an appreciation gift from its membership. The reasonable costs of such a gift shall be reimbursed by the NCAMC. The Chair should communicate with the NCLM liaison to determine a reasonable cost before purchasing the gift.
26. Committee members shall assist the NCLM staff at the registration desk.
- Committee members shall assist SOG as needed with the sign in/out process to ensure attendance rosters are accurate.
28. The Host Clerk is responsible for goody bags, if applicable. Committee members shall assist the Host Clerk with this duty upon request.
29. The NCAMC encourages the Committee to have a Silent Auction as part of the Summer Academies, since all proceeds go to the NCAMC. Committee members are responsible for publicizing the Auction, obtaining items for and conducting the Auction, maintaining adequate records of the items donated, staffing the Auction room, sending thank you notes to donors after the Academy and publicizing the results of the Auction after the Academy.
30. The hospitality room is traditionally supplied and staffed by a sponsor. If there is no sponsor, then Committee members may perform these functions in keeping with a budget set jointly by the Chair and NCLM liaison.
31. Following the Academy, the Chair shall send thank you notes/emails to speakers and exhibitors.
32. The SOG sends Academy attendees post session evaluations to complete.
33. The SOG shall submit any applicable invoices for payment to the NCLM liaison no later than eight weeks after the Academy.
Academy 1:
(IIMC certification point calculation based on six hours of Academy level instruction; attendees must attend and successfully complete entire Academy to earn IIMC or state certification points.)
7:45-8:45 a.m. |
Registration and Networking Breakfast |
8:45-9 a.m. |
Welcome and Announcements (by the SOG) |
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. |
Program Block (30-minute networking break scheduled during this block) |
12:30-1:30 p.m. |
Networking Lunch |
1:30-5 p.m. |
Program Block (30-minute networking break scheduled during this block) |
5 p.m. |
Adjourn |
5:30-6:30 p.m. |
President’s Welcoming Reception |
After Dinner |
Hospitality Suite |
Academy II:
(IIMC certification point calculation based on six hours of Academy level instruction; attendees must attend and successfully complete entire Academy to earn IIMC or state certification points.)
Day 1:
7:45-8:45 a.m. |
Registration and Networking Breakfast |
8:45-9 a.m. |
Welcome and Announcements (by the SOG) |
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. |
Program Block (30-minute networking break scheduled during this block) |
12:30-1:30 p.m. |
Networking Lunch |
1:30-5 p.m. |
Program Block (30-minute networking break scheduled during this block) |
5 p.m. |
Adjourn |
5:30 p.m. |
Dinner/Entertainment |
After dinner |
Hospitality Suite |
Day 2:
7:30-8:30 a.m. |
Registration and Networking Breakfast |
8:30-10 a.m. |
NCAMC Business Meeting |
10-10:30 a.m. |
Networking Break |
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. |
Program Block |
12:30 p.m. |
Adjourn |
7-8:30 p.m. |
Annual Banquet |
After banquet |
Hospitality Suite |
NCACC Educational Opportunities typically occur in the spring and fall. Both Association Presidents are encouraged to work together and share information about each organization’s educational sessions, and extend invitations for the other association members to participate. Points are awarded to participants who successfully complete NCAMC and NCACC educational sessions.
Publicity Committee
To collect and compile for distribution information of interest to municipal clerks about the Association and the administration of the clerk’s office.
The Publicity Committee shall consist of the following members appointed by the President and shall perform their respective duties independently under the President as follows:
- Newsletter Coordinator (Chairperson)
- Annual Report Coordinator
- Birthday/Events Calendar Coordinator
- News Release Coordinator
- Scrapbook Coordinator
- Web Site Coordinator
Newsletter Coordinator
To coordinate and prepare for printing the Association's monthly newsletter.
- Serve as chairperson of the Publicity Committee.
- Solicit dates, location, time, and information regarding meetings and educational opportunities available to clerks from officers, directors, and committee chairpersons as soon as possible after the Annual Conference and periodically thereafter during the year. Provide this information to the News Release Coordinator.
- Collect news articles for inclusion in the monthly newsletter by the 10th of each month.
- Assemble news for newsletter between the 10th and 15th of each month and prepare "camera-ready" copy. If news items are in short supply, contact President for guidance.
- Mail "camera-ready" copy of the newsletter to the League staff coordinator by the 15th of each month for printing and distribution.
- Make routine reports to the governing body as requested by the President at the January Clerks’ School, the Annual Conference, and Board of Directors’ meetings.
- Mail or fax news releases from IIMC regarding clerks who have obtained their CMC or MMC status to the News Release Coordinator.
- Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
- The Chairperson, prior to the expiration of his or her term, shall review this portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.
To develop an annual report using information solicited from officers, directors, and committee chairpersons, to be completed and distributed at the Annual Conference.
- Contact all officers, directors, and committee chairpersons to let them know you are responsible for compiling and publishing the annual report.
- Obtain a biographical sketch and picture from all officers and directors (all information should be solicited and returned to the coordinator by June 1).
- Keep articles and materials on goals and accomplishments of the Association and prepare articles for inclusion in the annual report.
- Cost estimates of the annual report should be submitted to the President for approval.
- All articles should be written and "camera-ready" copy of the annual report should be sent to the printer no later than 45 days prior to the Annual Conference.
- Annual report should be distributed at the Annual Conference to those in attendance and mailed to remaining members.
Prepare for publication in the newsletter a two-month calendar of events and birthdays to be sent to the Newsletter Coordinator by the 10th of each month.
Prepare a “camera-ready” two-month calendar on 8 1/2 x 11 paper that includes events, meetings, NCAMC schools and training sessions, and birthdays of clerks (obtained from the membership directory and supplemented by information from the Secretary/Treasurer) and submit to the Newsletter Coordinator by the 10th of each month. (Example: By the 10th of October, prepare a November/December calendar, and by the 10th of November, prepare a December/January calendar.)
Inform the League’s Public Affairs Director via news releases of upcoming meetings and events and accomplishments of clerks, including information on clerks who receive their CMC or MMC designation. Submit information to the editor of the News Digest (IIMC newsletter) regarding upcoming Association meetings and events and accomplishments of the Association. Write news releases for local newspapers about activities of the Association and/or individual members.
- As soon as possible following the Annual Conference, prepare news releases about the newly elected officers and directors. These should be forwarded to the new officers and directors for publication in their local newspaper, or ideally mailed directly to the individual clerk’s hometown newspaper as well as the IIMC.
- Prepare news releases on various meetings of the Association and provide to the appropriate news media. (Example: local newspaper of town where regional school is held).
- Obtain from the Newsletter Coordinator information on clerks who receive their CMC or MMC designation and send information to the League’s Public Affairs Director.
- Obtain information on upcoming meetings from Program and Education Committee Chairperson and Newsletter Coordinator, prepare news release and send to the League’s Public Affairs Director and the editor of the IIMC News Digest. (Note that items must be submitted to the IIMC News Digest at least 3 months in advance in order to be included on the calendar.)
- Obtain information on accomplishments of clerks from Newsletter Coordinator and send news release to the League’s Public Affairs Director.
- Prepare news release on Annual Conference and any major accomplishment of the Association and send to the editor of the IIMC News Digest.
Scrapbook Coordinator
To obtain programs from meetings, take pictures at events, and prepare the official scrapbook.
- Attend meetings of the Association including Annual Conference, Clerks’ School, Regional Schools, miscellaneous committee meetings, and Board of Directors’ meetings to take pictures and obtain a copy of the program. If unable to attend, another Publicity Committee member should be asked to fill in and report to the Scrapbook Coordinator after the event.
- Appropriate information including pictures, news articles and related materials should be included in the scrapbook.
- The scrapbook should be completed and delivered to the League staff liaison by the Annual Conference. All other materials are to be turned over to the incoming Publicity Committee Chairperson by the Annual Conference.
To maintain and update the website of the Association.
During or as soon as possible after the Annual Conference, schedule a training session with the previous Website Coordinator to obtain training on the maintenance and upkeep of the site and develop an understanding of who is responsible for each area.During or as soon as possible after the Annual Conference, meet with the President to see if there are any changes that he or she would like to make to the present format of the website.As soon as possible after the Annual Conference, update the Officers, Board of Directors, and committee members on the website.As soon as possible after the Annual Conference, obtain a calendar of events for the upcoming year from the newly installed President and post it on the website.Items to be posted on the website include, but are not limited to: President’s Message; link to e-mail of Officers and Board Members; listing of Officers, Board of Directors and committee members; calendar of events; listing of committees and their responsibilities; Constitution; MORE Manual; IIMC Certification School scholarship application; WSOS application; and college scholarship application.
Scholarship Committee
To select recipients for the IIMC Certification School scholarships, to select recipients for the college scholarship sponsored by the Association, and to seek new sources for scholarship funds.
President, Immediate Past President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and Program and Education Committee Chairperson, with the President serving as chairperson. At the President’s discretion one or more non-clerks can be selected by the President to serve on the committee when choosing the recipient of the college scholarship.
To inform municipal clerks of scholarships available through the Association by providing information on eligibility and application procedures.
To collect and review applications for eligibility.
To select scholarship recipients and make awards based on criteria as established by the Board of Directors. (See Appendixes for information on eligibility and application process for scholarships.)
College Scholarship
- Each year, the President, acting as chairperson, shall inform municipal clerks of the available college scholarship, eligibility requirements, and application procedures as spelled out by the Board of Directors. (See Appendix A and application). This may be done through the Association newsletter, the Association website or through the Clerk’s listserv.
- After April 15, the deadline for submitting applications, the President, acting as chairperson, shall notify the committee members (including non-clerk members) and provide them with copies of all applications for the college scholarships received for their review.
- Before the June Board of Directors meeting, the President, acting as chairperson, shall meet with the committee to select college scholarship recipient(s) based on eligibility and criteria for award as set by the Board of Directors (see Appendix A).
- As soon as possible before the Annual Conference, the Board of Directors shall be informed of the committee's selections as to the scholarships. Announcement of selections will be made to the membership by the President at the Annual Conference business meeting.
- Scholarship funds should be dispersed to the recipient prior to the beginning of the school year for which the scholarship was awarded. The President shall provide the Secretary/Treasurer with letters awarding the scholarships so that a check may be enclosed.
- The scholarship is sponsored by the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks (NCAMC);
- The scholarship shall be for attendance at any recognized college, university or trade school;
- The amount of the scholarship is $1,000.
- The applicant shall maintain a grade average consistent with good standing in high school and with expectations of admission to a recognized institution or, if already attending a recognized institution of higher education, with good standing at that institution;
- Participation in extracurricular activities in school and community;
- Good character;
- The applicant must have been accepted for admission at the institution of choice for the academic year for which the scholarship application is submitted;
- Submission of completed application to the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks, providing complete information as requested on the application, prior to the deadline of April 15 of any year.
- The scholarship is open to anyone pursuing a higher education and is not restricted to relatives of members of the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks.
On July 12, 1983, the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks (NCAMC) voted to establish a Scholarship Fund to assist municipal clerks in attending the IIMC Certification School at the Institute of Government, now part of the School of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. NCAMC will award scholarships to clerks, payable to their employer, in the amount of up to $300.00.
A municipal clerk must apply by completing the application provided by the IIMC Institute Director during the first week long session of the course. The applicant must be a current member of the NCAMC, currently employed as a municipal clerk, or deputy clerk, or qualify as an Active Member of NCAMC per the constitution.
The Scholarship Fund will be administered by the Board of Directors of the NCAMC. Applications are available at the School of Government during the first week long session of the course. The IIMC Institute Director shall submit all applications to the NCAMC President on or before April 15, in advance of the June Board of Directors meeting.
The Board of Directors has delegated to the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Immediate Past President, and Program/Education Committee Chairperson the authority to select recipients each year. The selection will be at the discretion of the above and will be based on the following criteria:
- Demonstrated interest and ambition to attend the IIMC Certification School;
- Financial need;
- Years of experience as a municipal clerk;
- Present and past service to the NCAMC;
- Active membership in the Association.
Following selection, the Scholarship Committee will report on the recipients to the NCAMC Board of Directors. The President shall prepare notification letters and send them to the NCAMC Secretary/Treasurer so that the check can be enclosed.
Refer to the scholarships page for applications.
Site Selection Committee
To recommend a conference site, date, and facility for the Annual Conference to the governing body of the Association.
Select the site, date, and hotel/motel facility for the Annual Conference, with facility contract to be completed two years in advance of the conference year. (For example, the Site Selection Committee for the 2004 Conference will be completing its work by the end of August 2002).
The President shall appoint a conference selection committee composed of a director from the region where the conference is to be held, two other members from the geographical area, and the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association.
Conference Site
The policy of the governing body of the N.C. Association of Municipal Clerks shall be to rotate the Annual Conference site among three general locations in the state:
Western/Mountain location
Eastern/Coastal location
Central/Piedmont location
Conference Dates
The traditional date for the Annual Conference is early in the month of August. The conference generally begins on a Thursday afternoon and ends Saturday evening. (Master Municipal Clerks Academy programs are sometimes scheduled in conjunction with the conference. In such instances, the MMC Academy class normally begins Thursday morning and ends Thursday afternoon.)
Conference Facilities
The hotel/motel facility selected for the conference must generally meet the requirements shown below; however, the Chairperson should check with the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association in advance to determine if the suggested numbers shown below should be increased or decreased based on past registrations and attendance.
- A block of sufficient sleeping rooms (at least 150) and 2 suites. If there is to be an MMC Academy program on the Thursday morning prior to the conference, a block of approximately 125 rooms should be reserved for Wednesday night.
- A meeting room for approximately 125 people classroom style for the MMC Session on Thursday.
- A meeting room for approximately 160 people classroom style for the programs scheduled on Friday and Saturday.
- Space for vendors and/or sponsors to exhibit, usually an atrium, registration area, or wide hallway near the meeting space; however, a separate room may also be selected if it is near the meeting space and can be easily accessed by delegates attending the conference. (Keep in mind, vendors are there to interact with clerks and will expect traffic to flow or be directed near their exhibit and booths).
Separate space from the meeting room will be needed for the following meal and event functions:
- Thursday continental breakfast for MMC for approximately 125; *
- Thursday Luncheon space for MMC for approximately 125;
- Thursday evening welcome reception space for approximately 160;
- Friday buffet breakfast space for approximately 160, (or if desired, a *continental breakfast may be selected and set up as described below)
- Friday luncheon space for approximately 160;
- Saturday buffet breakfast space for approximately 160;
- Saturday evening reception and banquet space for approximately 225.
*Continental breakfast – The continental breakfast is usually selected for the Thursday MMC session and occasionally selected for Friday morning. If selected, the continental breakfast may be set up in the same manner as described below for the Beverage and Snack breaks.
*Beverage and Snack Breaks – These may be set up in an atrium, registration area, a hallway outside the meeting space or depending on space availability, set up in the meeting room itself off to the side or in the back of the room.
Additional Space Requirements:
- A separate room for the Silent Auction that can be kept locked.
- A registration area adjoining the meeting rooms, preferably with a locked storage area for registration supplies, goody bags, host committee work space, etc.
In selecting a site, the committee should consider:
Accessibility for those traveling long distances - e.g. proximity to an airport, train station or other mode of mass transportation.
Availability and proximity of facilities for a Friday evening dinner and entertainment event which if scheduled off site may require transportation such as a bus service. Consider also the general availability and proximity of leisure activities and shopping facilities for conference attendees.
- Before the first meeting of the committee, the Chairperson shall determine potential dates by checking with the N.C. League of Municipalities, the Institute of Government, and IIMC on functions already scheduled in August of the conference year which involve municipal clerks (such as tax collectors' school, finance directors' school) or which might otherwise present conflicts (such as annual conferences of other League affiliates).
- After determining available Thursday through Saturday dates in August based on Step 1 above, the Chairperson shall ask each member to check on one or more specific hotel/motel facilities within the geographic area for the conference and determine if the facilities can meet the requirements outlined herein on one or more of the available conference dates.
- As a practical matter and a matter of protocol, a committee member assigned to contact a facility that is not located in his or her own municipality should consult the clerk of the municipality in which the facility is located for any input on the quality, reputation, location and suitability of the facility for annual conference activities. In addition, if the proposed site is not in the committee members own municipality, the clerk of the municipality in which the facility is located should be consulted to determine his or her interest in hosting or coordinating with other local clerks in the area to assist in hosting the conference, should the site be chosen.
- Site Selection committee members shall request in writing a tentative hold from any facility that can meet the conference requirements on one or more of the potential conference dates. It is also advisable to obtain a written "bid" from the facility with information as to the anticipated room rates, whether complimentary suites or rooms will be provided based on a certain number of paying rooms, the availability and costs (if any) of meeting and event rooms, a layout sketch of the facility, catering menus, information on nearby attractions and entertainment, etc.
- When all committee members have completed the work outlined in Step 2 above, the Chairperson shall call a meeting of the committee to review all potential conference dates, sites, and facilities. At this preliminary meeting, the committee shall select the date for the conference if more than one set of dates is being considered and narrow the site and facility down to two or three primary choices. No facility shall be selected as a primary choice unless the committee has written confirmation that the facility is tentatively holding a block of sufficient sleeping rooms and meeting rooms as required for the dates selected.
- If the hotel/motel facilities being considered have not previously been used for conferences, the committee may elect to visit one or more of them for an on-site inspection of their facilities and capabilities for adequately handling the conference.
- The committee shall hold such other meetings, or communicate through e-mail or conference call, as necessary to complete its work and to inform the President of the committee's recommendation for the site, date, and hotel/motel facility by April 30 two years before the conference. (For example, the President should be informed of the site selection for the 2004 conference by April 30, 2002).
- Upon approval of the governing body, the Chairperson shall notify the hotel/motel selected and assist the Secretary/Treasurer in obtaining a written contract or verification from the hotel/motel of the rooms and facilities being held for the conference. The contract should be finalized two full years in advance. (For example, a contract for the 2004 conference should be in place by August 31, 2002.)
- The Chairperson shall see that all other hotel/motel space being held on a tentative basis for the conference is released in writing.
- The Annual Conference site, date, and hotel/motel facility for the following year shall be announced at the January Clerks' School at the Institute of Government.
- Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
- The Chairperson, prior to the expiration of his or her term, shall review this portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.
Revised - June 13, 2008
State Certification Committee
The North Carolina Certified Municipal Clerks program is a voluntary accreditation program for North Carolina municipal clerks. It was initiated under the sponsorship of the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks and in cooperation with the School of Government of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This program is designed as an alternative to the Certified Municipal Clerk and Master Municipal Clerk program sponsored by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC); however, municipal clerks will still have the option of participating in the IIMC programs.
An effort to design such a program evolved from the realization that municipal clerks wanted educational and professional growth, but limited budgets and reduced staff placed a hardship on the municipalities.
The State Certification Committee will be comprised of a representative from each of the four regions and one at large member appointed by the Board of Directors. The diversity of the membership should include small, medium and large-size municipalities. The First Vice- President, Second Vice-President, and School of Government Advisor shall serve as ex-officios. The Immediate Past President shall serve as advisor to the committee.
The principal duty of the committee is to work with a representative of the School of Government, and to examine once a year all applications submitted for Certification and Recertification designations. Certification and Recertification designations will be presented at the Annual Clerks Summer Academy held in August.
The committee will be responsible for creating and displaying committee information at the City and County Clerks School each year in January, at the NCAMC President's request.
The committee Chair will be responsible for the promotion of the Certification and Recertification programs each year prior to the application deadline in locations including, but not limited to the Minute by Minute newsletter, Southern City publication, the City and County Managers' listserv, and the City and County Clerks listserv, dependent upon cost and availability.
1. The committee shall recommend to the Board of Directors the amount of fees to be paid by all applicants for certification or recertification designation annually at the Board of Directors December meeting. Such fees shall be mailed directly to the committee Chair, and the funds shall be made payable to the North Carolina Association Municipal Clerks (NCAMC). All application fees shall be non-refundable, except in cases where the applicant is only lacking membership status, in which case the fees may be held in reserve until the applicant completes membership criteria. In making its recommendation, the committee shall ensure that each fee is sufficient to cover all investigation expenses, all costs incurred by the School of Government and billed to the association, and all costs for production of a plaque and/or other appropriate recognition for the clerk who is receiving the certification or recertification. The fee may be changed by the Board from time to time upon the committee's recommendation.
2. Pursuant to the association's certification guidelines, the committee Chair will verify all information submitted by a clerk for certification. The Chair shall recommend certification to the Board of Directors in those cases where the requirements for certification have been met. The Chair will confer with the North Carolina League of Municipalities and the School of Government for any discrepancies in criteria.
3. Pursuant to the association's recertification guidelines, the committee member assigned recertification responsibilities by the Chair will verify all information submitted by a clerk for recertification. The Chair shall recommend recertification to the Board of Directors in those cases where the requirements for recertification have been met. The Chair will confer with the North Carolina League of Municipalities and the School of Government for any discrepancies in criteria.
4. The committee shall arrange for a plaque and other appropriate recognition for clerks who are receiving their certification or recertification designation.
1. Applicants must meet all other certification criteria before being administered the exam.
2. Exams shall be administered once annually.
3. The committee Chair shall administer the exams to applicants requiring testing by randomly selecting a copy of an exam, and emailing the exam in PDF format to the applicant with an email read receipt request.
4. The applicant will have two (2) calendar weeks to complete and return the exam from the date the exam is sent via email to the applicant.
5. The applicant will be responsible for signing the cover sheet acknowledging the requirements for open-book assistance and exam completion, and initialing each page of the exam.
6. The committee Chair will be responsible for grading the exams. The Chair will confer with the North Carolina League of Municipalities and the School of Government for any discrepancies in exam questions and answers.
7. The applicant will be given two (2) opportunities to pass the exam with a score of 80 or higher, following a two (2) week time period between exams.
8. Exams shall be reviewed annually by the Chair for revisions needed, and recommend any changes to the committee.
WSOS (We Share Our Services) Mentoring Committee
To assist new clerks in developing effective and efficient methods of discharging their responsibilities through practical training programs and through the use of mentors.
One member from each of the four regions and a chairperson to be appointed by the President. Two of the members should be clerks with 1 to 3 years service to ensure that the committee is cognizant of the concerns of new clerks.
- Publicize and promote the WSOS program.
- Recruit clerks with at least 3 years experience to serve as mentors.
- Match new clerks with appropriate mentors.
- Monitor the mentoring relationship.
- The Chairperson shall arrange for an article promoting WSOS and describing its mission to be published in the NCAMC newsletter at the beginning of each Association year. The article should also include an interest questionnaire for new clerks to identify those who want training and a volunteer form for experienced clerks to recruit mentors. Mentors must have at least 3 years experience as a city clerk. To facilitate mentor matches, the Chairperson should contact the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association at the N.C. League of Municipalities or the Membership Committee Chairperson for an up-to-date list of all municipal clerks.
- After the questionnaires are returned, mentors and new clerks should be matched according to size of city, range of duties, and proximity. Each match shall be for one year and renewable if needed. If there are more mentors than new clerks, the names of those not being utilized shall be placed on file for future matches and they shall be kept informed on the activities of the active matches.
- The Chairperson shall confirm the arrangements with mentors and new clerks by letter or e-mail. Mentors should be made aware of their responsibility to contact the new clerk as soon as possible with an offer of help. Services include, but are not limited to, moral support and encouragement by answering questions, assisting in the preparation of ordinances, minutes, agendas and budgets, explaining parliamentary procedures and offering tips for effective council meetings.
- Responsibility for monitoring participants in WSOS shall be divided among the committee members on a regional basis. Each committee member shall quarterly call all new clerks and mentors assigned to them to ensure that new clerks’ concerns are being addressed and that the mentor role is not unduly burdensome.
- If the new clerk so desires, the Chairperson may offer to consult by phone, letter or personal visit with the mayor, council or administrator/manager to encourage the new clerk’s participation in training for educational and professional opportunities within the Association.
- Special attention shall be paid to new clerks at all general events sponsored by NCAMC. Particular emphasis shall be placed on the Annual City/County Clerks’ School held in January each year. The program for the school shall include a special social gathering and a special training session for new clerks. The Chairperson should consult with the Program and Education Committee to offer any insight or assistance in planning and implementing events for new clerks.
- In early November, a letter shall be sent to each new clerk with information about the Clerks’ School and encouraging him or her to attend.
- Each month mentors shall provide the Chairperson with a progress report of their activities for the prior month.
- New clerks and mentors shall complete an evaluation form prior to the Annual Conference and the Chairperson shall compile a report. (See Appendix for Evaluation Forms.)
- Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
- The Chairperson, prior to the expiration of his or her term, shall review this portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.
Web Site Committee
Maintain and update the website to ensure http://www.ncamc.com remains a primary communication vehicle for the stakeholders served by NCAMC.
The website committee shall be comprised of at least three members who are annually appointed by the NCAMC president. Unless otherwise directed by the president, the website coordinator, who serves as a member of the publicity committee, will serve as chair of the website committee.
- As soon as possible after the Annual Conference, the chair meets with the NCAMC president to learn of any changes the president may want to see on the website. The chair determines what “minor” changes can be made by the committee. The chair develops a report outlining all “major” changes and submits it to the board of directors for board approval.
- Minor changes are defined as those changes necessary to maintain the current structure with up-to-date information.
- Major changes are defined as those that require assistance from the vendor and/or may have a budget impact.
- As soon as possible after the Annual Conference, the chair schedules a planning meeting/training session with the committee members to develop a Web update schedule, assign responsibilities for the year, and discuss any changes they want to see to the website. At the request of the new chair, the former chair will assist in this meeting and with training. The chair incorporates any “major” changes into the report (as noted in item 1 above) for the board’s approval. The committee may proceed with making minor changes to the site. (Refer to annual action/work plan below for more specific information outlining annual Web updating requirements.)
- The chair, or designee, provides updates to the board at their quarterly meetings.
NCAMC Web Site Committee Annual Action Plan
Below are the specific annual duties of the Website Committee, in addition to the committee description.
What to Update | When to Update | Comments |
Home Page: Update message from president & photo |
Annually, immediately after Aug. conference |
Vendor must take care of the photo |
Home Page: Current News |
As needed |
Home Page: Member Spotlight |
Monthly |
According to adopted guidelines |
About Us Page: Calendar |
Immediately after Aug. conference when president provides it, and as needed throughout the year to update information |
About Us Page: Current News |
As needed |
Leadership Page: Officers |
Annually, immediately following Aug. conference |
Leadership Page: Volunteer applications, update the applications |
Annually, after Aug. conference |
The first vice president is responsible for providing the website coordinator with any updates |
Leadership Page: Agenda and minutes, update agenda |
As needed |
Get materials in source document when available to save it as ADA accessible PDF |
Leadership Page: Agenda and minutes, put most recent minutes on-line |
After each board meeting the president (or designee) will send the approved minutes and exhibits to the website coordinator |
Get materials in source document when available to save it as ADA accessible PDF |
Membership Page: Roster |
At least annually |
The membership committee chair is responsible for providing the website coordinator with updated information |
Education Page: Educational opportunities |
Immediately after Aug. conference and thereafter as needed |
The education committee chair is responsible for providing the website coordinator with any updates |
Document Library, proactively work with publicity committee to get the monthly newsletter in a timely manner |
Monthly |
Document Library, work with program/education committee to obtain presentations and put materials on Web (NOTE: We will obtain presenter approval prior to placing any materials on-line; we will honor the wishes of each individual presenter) |
As needed, after conference, school, etc. |
If presenters allow us to place their materials on our Web site, then we’ll strive to get materials in source document when available to save it as ADA accessible PDF |
Job Opportunities Page, general updates |
As needed |
Web, general, check website for broken links and fix appropriately |
Twice per year |
Links to ncamc.com “pages” should come up on same browser; links to pdf documents on ncamc.com should come up in separate browser; links to outside web sites or documents should come up in separate browser |
Web, general, review site for one-time and ongoing maintenance needs |
Annually, shortly after Aug. conference |
Committee may make minor changes but needs board approval for major changes (refer to committee description for definitions of minor and major) |
Budget general issue, work with board and finance committee to budget for Web hosting and support |
Annually |
Past Presidents Committee
The Committee shall serve the President and/or Board of Directors for special projects.
The Past Presidents Committee is comprised of all Past Presidents.
The Committee will be utilized as assigned by the President and/or Board of Directors for special projects as needed. The Committee will be responsible for conducting a workshop in August for the newly elected officers and an orientation at the January academies for all persons interested in serving on the Board of Directors to assist with educating them on the role, responsibilities and expectations of members serving on the Board of Directors.
1. The President will appoint the Chairperson to serve as Adviser
2. The President may assign a project for review and recommendation by the committee.
3. The Committee Chairperson works closely with the President and/or Board on assigned projects.
4. Once project is completed, the Committee Chairperson will make a presentation at the next Board of Director’s meeting.
5. The Chairperson prior to the expiration of his or her term shall review this portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.